6 Reasons To Travel The World Right Now

If you’re one of those who says you plan to travel “sometime in the future”, then I’ll tell you why you should travel now:

You aren’t getting any younger

Time is running and tomorrow will be here before you realize it. Soon you might be too old or sick to travel and filled with too many regrets. Why spend the best days of your precious life putting off something you’ve always wanted to do? Time is ticking and we all know there’s no time machine to take it back to the start.

You will always work

Taking a break from work is not a career suicide. Let’s face it – there will always be work to come home to, things to get done. Don’t spend your best days working 24/7, take a break, go and explore instead!

There is never a perfect time

So many of us tend to wait for the stars to align so the “perfect” time for travel suddenly appears. Trust me, that time will never come. There will always be responsibilities, things to get done, bills and birthdays and weddings, you name it! You can always find another reason to wait, to not go. But the right time to go is when you finally decide and make up your mind to go. Simple as that.

Now is always the best time

This may sound a little harsh but we all know it’s the truth – tomorrow may never come. You can end up in an irreversible situation where you can’t travel anymore AT ALL. That can leave you only with regrets. Use the time you have now to its best potential, don’t put off tomorrow what you can do today.

It can help you figure out your path in life

Maybe you were never meant to sit between four walls, be a lawyer, or work as an accountant. Or maybe you were. The incredible thing about travel is that it can actually help you get some new perspective on your life and where you want to be, what you want to do. The whole travel experience can lead you to paths of life you didn’t know about before or simply didn’t realize before. It can help you figure out what you like and what you don’t like. It will draw you out of the everyday bubble and allow you to see your life from above.

You find yourself

This is my all time favorite – traveling teaches you about yourself. It might sound like a total clitché, but once you try, you’ll know what I’m talking about.

It’s true and it’s fantastic! You really do learn a lot when you step out of your comfort zone and decide to travel the world. It’s an education you will never find elsewhere.


It all comes down to one thing: what makes you happy? If you wish to travel, go travel. And if you find out you don’t like it, that’s fine because you can always go back home. You’ve only one life, so why not live it the way it brings you joy?



Annija Bodniece