Cheap flights from Cologne to MAURITIUS for €300 both ways **PRICE DROP**

Cheap flights from Cologne to MAURITIUS for €300 both ways. Find cheap flights from Cologne to Mauritius and book your ticket at the best price! Flights to Mauritius from Germany cost only for €300 both ways.

Mauritius, officially the Republic of Mauritius (French: République de Maurice), is an island nation in the Indian Ocean about 2,000 kilometres (1,200 mi) off the southeast coast of the African continent. The country includes the island of Mauritius, Rodrigues (560 kilometres (350 mi) east), and the outer islands (Agaléga, St. Brandon and two disputed territories). The islands of Mauritius and Rodrigues (172 km (107 mi) southwest) form part of the Mascarene Islands, along with nearby Réunion, a French overseas department. The area of the country is 2,040 km2. The capital and largest city is Port Louis.


Cologne – Mauritius – Cologne

Travel dates:

12 – 20 May

Where to buy?

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Have a look at Trip Advisor when planning your holiday to find out whats hot and whats not when it comes to all the local attractions.

To know more about Mauritius read more in Wikitravel here

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