Cheap flights from Vilnius to CHINA for €360 by Turkish airlines!

Cheap flights from Vilnius to CHINA for €360 round-trip by Turkish airlines! Find the cheapest flights to Beijing from Vilnius, Lithuania and book your ticket at the best price! Flights cost only from €360 both ways.

Beijing is the capital of the most populous country in the world, the People’s Republic of China. With a population of 21.5 million people, it is the nation’s second-largest city after Shanghai. Beijing is the political, educational and cultural centre of the country and as such it is rich in historical sites and important government and cultural institutions. Constantly reimagining itself as it races towards the future, yet inextricably linked to its glorious, notorious past, Beijing is as compelling as it is complex. Beijing isn’t just the political centre of China – it’s the cultural heart of the country too. The nation’s top artists, writers, movie-makers and musicians converge here, making this the place to take the pulse of China’s ever-evolving cultural scene. With top-class museums, galleries galore, and an increasing number of music venues, there’s enough to keep you busy day and night.


Vilnius – Beijing – Vilnius

Travel dates:

7 – 21 November

Where to book:


Checked baggage + Hand baggage + excellent meal is included!

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To know more about Beijing you can read more in Wikitravel here or about China click here
