Digital travel notice board Booola

Travelling was quite a bit different just a few decades ago – the only way to get the latest information about the travel destination you were heading to was either via a rather static travel guide or by popping into the closest hostel at your destination and checking their notice board for any information fellow travelers had left behind.

The year was 2014 when two world travelers – Gilad and Koby came to a realization that not much had changed after all – still, the best way to get the latest information about e.g. the possibility to travel together, local cooking classes etc. was by popping into the closest hostel and checking out their notice board. The problem with that approach is that these days there are hundreds or in some cases even thousands of hostels in any given destination hence it is really easy to miss some of the information out there. For example, it is quite possible that while you were sitting in a hostel A looking for a ride to your next destination, someone at the other side of the town was doing just that – looking for people to share the cost of the ride with.

What came next is pretty obvious – a mobile app called Booola was born – and their mission is to be the shared digital notice board for every location imaginable. So go ahead and lounge away in your Sheraton while still being part of the backpacker buzz via Booola. Available currently just for iPhone but Android version is to be released soon.

More about Booola you can check on their website: