Direct flights from Cologne to Phuket (Thailand) for €314 both ways!

Flights from Cologne to PHUKET (Thailand) for €314 both ways by Eurowings. Find the cheapest flights from Cologne to Phuket and book your ticket at the best price! Direct flights to Thailand from Cologne cost only from €314 both ways.

Phuket island (pronounced puu gèt), is Thailand’s largest at 48km in length and 21km at its widest. It’s in Southern Thailand, on the west-facing Andaman Sea coastline, suspended from the southern tip of Phang Nga Province by a pair of short but substantial road bridges. Phuket is a melting pot of indigenous Thais, Thai-Chinese, ethnic Malays and even sea gypsies. The majority of the population in the rural areas is Muslim. Outside of the provincial town, the rural folk speak with a thick Southern dialect which is difficult for even other Thais to understand. The provincial town’s economy having boomed over the past decade has led to a lot of the youngsters leading similar lives to those in Bangkok. Altogether, the lifestyle of the urban Sino-Thais in Phuket resembles that of their counterparts in Bangkok.


Cologne – Phuket – Cologne

Travel dates:

20 Jun – 2 Jul

Where to book?


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To know more about Phuket you can read more in Wikitravel here or about Thailand click here.
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