Direct flights from London to Lisbon for £38!

Direct flights from London to Lisbon (PORTUGAL) for £38 both ways by Ryanair. Find the cheapest flights from the UK to Lisbon, book your ticket at the best price! Flights from London to Lisbon cost only £38 both ways!

Lisbon is the capital and the largest city of Portugal, with a population of 552,700 within its administrative limits in an area of 100.05 km². Its urban area extends beyond the city’s administrative limits with a population of around 2.7 million people, being the 11th-most populous urban area in the European Union. About 2.8 million people live in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (which represents approximately 27% of the country’s population). It is continental Europe’s westernmost capital city and the only one along the Atlantic coast. Lisbon lies in the western Iberian Peninsula on the Atlantic Ocean and the River Tagus. The westernmost areas of its metro area is the westernmost point of Continental Europe.


London – Lisbon – London

Travel dates:

October 2018

Some examples:

3 – 11 Oct

8 – 17 Oct

10 – 17 Oct

16 – 23 Oct

Where to book?

Visit Momondo

Hand luggage is included!

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To know more about Lisbon, you can visit and read more in Wikitravel here
