Flights between Riga and Oslo for €4.99 one-way

Flights between Riga and Oslo for €4.99 one-way by Ryanair. Find cheap flights between Riga and Oslo and book your ticket at the best price! Flights between Riga and Oslo cost only from €4.99 one way.

Oslo is the capital and largest city of Norway, and the third largest city of Scandinavia. Oslo is also the demographic, economic and political centre of Norway. The history of the city can be traced back over 1,000 years. Oslo was founded in 1048, by the king Harald Hardråde. The city became capital of Norway around 1300, but lost its privileges during the Danish-Norwegian union from 1348 to 1814. In 1624, a fire devastated old Oslo, and the city was moved some kilometres west to gain protection from the fortress at Akershus. The city was renamed Christiania, after the Danish King Christian IV, a name that remained until it was officially renamed on January 1st 1925 to Oslo. Traces have been found close to [Ekeberg] indicating settlement as far back as 10,000 bc.


Oslo <-> Riga

Travel dates:

July 2016


Oslo – Riga (4.99 EUR)

28 Jul

Riga – Oslo (4.99 EUR)

6 Jul
7 Jul
9 Jul
13 Jul
16 Jul

Where to book:


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To know more about Oslo, you can read more in Wikitravel here

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