Flights from Vilnius to MADRID from €60 both ways!


Book cheap flights Vilnius to Madrid €60 both ways by Ryanair. Find the cheapest flights to Madrid from Vilnius and book your ticket at the best price! Flights to Madrid from Vilnius cost only €60,98 both ways, travelling this winter.

Madrid is the capital and largest city of Spain. The population of the city is almost 3.2 million and that of the Madrid metropolitan area, around 6.3 million. It is the third-largest city in the European Union, after London and Berlin, and its metropolitan area is the third-largest in the European Union after London and Paris. The city spans a total of 604.3 km2 (233.3 sq mi).

Travel dates:

January 2016

Some examples:

Mon 11/01/16 – Mon 18/01/16

Fri 15/01/16 – Mon 18/01/16
Fri 15/01/16 – Wed 20/01/16

Sun 17/01/16 – Wed 20/01/16

And other options.

Hand baggage

One cabin bag weighing up to 10 kg with maximum dimensions of 55cm x 40cm x 20cm, plus 1 small bag up to 35 x 20 x 20 cm may be carried per passenger.

Book fast, before tickets are gone!

Where to book:

Visit Ryanair


1) Find the best deals from thousands of travel sites on Hotels Combined.
Compare hotel prices and find the best deal -

2) If you are interested in booking apartment or room then definitely visit (here you will get €23 bonus credit for accommodation after registration).

Have a look at Trip Advisor when planning your holiday to find out what’s hot and what’s not when it comes to all the local attractions.

To know more about Madrid, you can visit and read more in Wikitravel here

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