Looking for your dream job? Get paid to live on a stunning Greek island with 55 cats!

God’s Little People Cat Rescue on the Greek Island of Syros is looking to hire a live-in caretaker. The job comes with free housing and a salary, according to a post on the organization’s Facebook page.

The job takes about four hours a day of work and involves feeding, cleaning up after, medicating and loving the 55 cats at the sanctuary.

What the job may lack in financial remunerations it makes up for with peace and quiet.

“We are located in a secluded nature preserved area which is very tranquil and quiet in winter time but busy during the summer. You’ll no doubt thrive best if you are the type of person who appreciates nature and likes tranquility — and rest comfortably in your own company,” the posting reads. “That said, you’ll never feel lonely in the company of the cats and you’ll be expected to live with a small handful of cats in your house.”

The salary is not specified, but the average monthly salary in Greece fluctuated around €1050 euro per month between March 2017 and February 2018. The posting highlights that the job is not full time and comes with additional benefits. Housing is included in the form of a “semidetached modern tiny house with it’s own garden.

Source: Facebook